Monday, June 14, 2010

Twelveth Week


Salam Alaik,..

For this week is my last week for my industrial training at PTM-ILIM. So for my task that was given for me since I was placed at Information Technology Centre almost completed. I just should do the testing for E-Quran functions to make sure all the functions on the list of menu will run properly. During the testing, I have found out that the website only compatible or can open through Internet Explorer browser. If using mozilla and google chrome as web browser to open this website, certain function which is spry menu bar function cannot work on the web browser.

Besides, this week I often make meeting and and discussion with Puan Faraliza. After the discussion, I need to adjust certain part which are: -
  • Change the font-size for list of menu
  • Change the font-size for copyright statement.I need to edit the php coding (function call) page.
  • Edit and touch up again the banner.Adjustment for width and height ,also for the design for image on the banner and the font.This image editing done by using Adobe Photoshop.
  • Change body background.

After I have completed everythings, I need to submit all files of E-Quran website to Puan Faraliza and Puan Shahiza. Puan Faraliza and Puan Shahiza need to present the website during ICT meeting on Friday, 25 June 2010 , at3 pm.

For my last day for Industrial Training at PTM-ILIM, I was invited together to attend PTM's meeting at 11 pm in PTM office. At the end of the meeting, the Head of Information Technology Centre, Puan Faraliza and others PTM's staffs farewell ceremony.

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