Friday, June 11, 2010

Eight Week


For this week, in E-Quran Website, I'm more focus on completing the Qiraat part. Let's me brief a little bit about the Qiraat Menu. On this E-Quran Website, Qiraat is divided into two categories or sub-menus, which are the first is named as Qiraat Recitation and the second one is named as Qiraat Explanatory. The Qiraat Recitation menu is contain of 23 surah that covered for 14 types of Qiraat.Each of surah pages have some structure or design which are on the top is menu for types of Qiraat based on their specialization or grouping.These function are dependent between each of pages. For example, let's say user at 'Qalun' Qiraat page, when the user click on other types of Qiraat such as Wars Qiraat, in the same surah, it will link and go to the 'Wars' Qiraat page. That is means every pages for every surah are contain links for all types of Qiraat.

The next one is in the centre where the position of window media player file is placed that
belonging to the surah and types of Qiraat.Beside that, the position of the Qiraat name in the form of image button is located below the window media player file, followed by the name of surah in the form of image button also,and its 'ayat' of the surah also in image file.

Besides,I was so excited in this week because I also had the opportunity to attend English class. En Safwan invited me together with Kamil and Aida(student practical also who are placed at PTM, and came from UPM and UPSI). We started class around at 10am and end at 12pm. All the participants form ILIM's staffs accept me, Kamil and Aida. Mostly, we have learned and gave opportunity to dare to come forward to speak in front of people. Beside that, we also have learned a little bit about writing. We are asked to write regarding our daily routine jobs and tasks. What we do every day. Various actions and behaviors that can be seen during the class. It's a different class and environment that I had ever experienced, compared to English class attended by student or teenagers.So, I like and enjoy for the class!=D

This week is only 4 day work, because on this Friday, 28 May 2010 is public holiday which is Wesak's!!(I never take holiday or MC during practical)hehe. Continue with what I'm done this week.=). On last day for this week, I accompanied by Aida went to lab(multimedia room) to show the problem to outsider technician, for a projector in the lab. After that, I have followed En Safwan and assist him to do the technical problem based on what has been reported by ILIM's staffs. We have do the checking and troubleshoot the problem. At the moment, En Safwan was received two reports problem, one is about internet connection and another one is hardware /component of PC. I can said that, for today I'm become a technician!hihi

Outsider technician are repairing the projector in lab

This problem was reported by Ustaz Faiz at Islamic Family Development Center. We need to change the power supply for this computer.

En Safwan shows how the position for the power supply should be placed.

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