Friday, June 11, 2010

Ninth Week


I'm still continue in completing the Qiraat part of E-Quran Website. This week my tasks more to completing what should I finished before.

On 31 May 2010 -Monday
  • Do the checking and testing for the functions on few surah pages (An-Nas, Al-Falaq, Al-Ikhlas). Test all the independent links and also check which part does not have their recitation audio for its surah and button image.
On 1 June 2010-Tuesday
  • Need to find out the sources for Qiraat part from the main resources, because the files that already given to me could not found because the files are become hidden files.~huuu~ So I need to collect and save all images files fand audio files in one folder called 'equran'.
On 2 June 2010-Wednesday
  • Update the functions that does not complete yet
  • Do a checklist for the materials and sources for every surah in Qiraat part and for all types of Qiraat function.
On 3 June 2010-Thursday
  • Update the checklist
  • Double-check for surah pages that already created before.
  • Make a mini-discussion about the progress of the E-Quran website.

On 4 June 2010-Friday
  • Continue create surah pages for Surah Al-Kautsar, Al-Maa'uun, and Al-Quraisy. As usual:I -need to insert independent links for each of qiraat types for every pages, Insert button and surah image and also link for audio file that belongs to its qiraat page.

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