Thursday, July 8, 2010

My last day in PTM-ILIM ~Sad + appreciate + smile~


25 June 2010, Friday is my last day for industrial training in Institute of Islamic Training. This day is very meaning for me, because I have invited to attended PTM'S meeting at 11 am. During the meeting, fews things that have been discussed among them.After that, Puan Faraliza and the others PT,'s staff(Puan Shahiza, Puan Faradila, K.Najah,K.syikin and Safwan) have a plan to do a farewall ceremony for me.I'm very appreciate for that. Thank you so much to all PTM's staffs..=)

Monday, June 14, 2010

Twelveth Week


Salam Alaik,..

For this week is my last week for my industrial training at PTM-ILIM. So for my task that was given for me since I was placed at Information Technology Centre almost completed. I just should do the testing for E-Quran functions to make sure all the functions on the list of menu will run properly. During the testing, I have found out that the website only compatible or can open through Internet Explorer browser. If using mozilla and google chrome as web browser to open this website, certain function which is spry menu bar function cannot work on the web browser.

Besides, this week I often make meeting and and discussion with Puan Faraliza. After the discussion, I need to adjust certain part which are: -
  • Change the font-size for list of menu
  • Change the font-size for copyright statement.I need to edit the php coding (function call) page.
  • Edit and touch up again the banner.Adjustment for width and height ,also for the design for image on the banner and the font.This image editing done by using Adobe Photoshop.
  • Change body background.

After I have completed everythings, I need to submit all files of E-Quran website to Puan Faraliza and Puan Shahiza. Puan Faraliza and Puan Shahiza need to present the website during ICT meeting on Friday, 25 June 2010 , at3 pm.

For my last day for Industrial Training at PTM-ILIM, I was invited together to attend PTM's meeting at 11 pm in PTM office. At the end of the meeting, the Head of Information Technology Centre, Puan Faraliza and others PTM's staffs farewell ceremony.

Eleventh Week


14 June 2010-Monday
  • Redesign the menu structure in Recitation Qiraat part for nine surah that havetwo types of Qiraat only.
  • Need to study about how to embed a swf animation for flash swf file by using Dreamweaver to get the output as expected. I do a little bit research on the internet.
  • Make a discussion with Puan Faraliza and show her the E-Quran website progress. After the discussion, I need to edit a little bit on the spray menu bar to get the right and proper border for the sub-menus. Also need to standardize for font menu.
15 June 2010-Tuesday
  • Configure the setting for wireless-N Access Point with Power Over Ethernet WAP4410N model .

  • Discussion with Puan Faraliza again regarding Quran & Tarannum part that cannot function properly in the same page. So, as result, Puan Faraliza gave suggestion to me to:
-create frame, so that the swf file maybe can run properly in main frame.
-Then need to copy & insert all links for each menu in list of menus that newly created.
- Create new list of menu by using spray menu bar to avoid & solve inconsistencies for
the menu, because before this the list of menu not fully apply and use the spray menu
bar function but only using table. Spray menu bar were inserted for menu that have
sub-menus only.
- Resize the frame size to get the desired output space.

16 June 2010-Wednesday
  • Need to touch up for E-Quran Website :
- Design new banner.The requirements are the combination for three wording (ILIM
word, JAKIM word and E-Quran word ), plus one logo.
- Need to edit coding for every pages that contain the old coding for menu of qiraat design
in php code form.
- Do back up coding for all functions on the menu lists from old template and pages.
a) four types of azan pages
b) Qiraat recitation page
c) Qiraat description page
d) Tarannum page
e) Ulum A-Quran page
f) Rasm Uthmani page
g) Exit page
h) bottom design page
i) download page

-Set the background color for frame.
- Resize all images to match with the content of frame size.
- Restructure for the exit page

17 June 2010- Thursday
  • Insert copyright coding in php code form for each page.
  • Edit all pages in Qiraat recitation part:
-Insert body background color
-Adjust for table width for Qiraat menu to make sure the horizontal scroll does not
exit.But it's actually depends on resolution of computer.
- Adjust for surah image size.
  • Edit the Qiraat recitation description page & also main.html page
18 June 2010- Friday
  • Continue for editing coding work for every pages.(about 20 surah)

Tenth Week


Monday-7 June 2010

  • Continue doing the E-Quran Website for Qiraat recitation part.About 10 Surah that had been covered, from Surah Al-Fill until Surah Al-Alaq. Each of these surah, I will create a page and insert independent links for every types of qiraat on every surah.Every of these type of qiraat pages.
  • Update the checklist for Qiraat recitation part.

Tuesday-8 june 2010

  • Complete the recitation of Qiraat recitation part for Surah Ad-Alaq until Surah Ad-Dhuha.
  • Need to double-check for all surah pages.
  • Edit the menu structure for Azan part.I create spray menu bar for four types of azan from different mosques(Masjid Mesir, Masjid Makkah, Masjid Madinah and Masjid Aqsa.)
  • Change the font color for menus in main-menu.php page to get the standardize.

Wednesday -9 June 2010

This morning,I took the opportunity to get together with K.Shikin and K.Najah to learn to and do the practical on how to :

  • Format computer for window XP
  • Install drivers for different types of CPU model (Dell model OPTIPLEX GX260 & model OPTIPLEX 170L, MIMOS.).
  • Setting for wireless connection.
  • Install and do the setting for sharing printers
  • Install and do the setting for library system (OPAC-Online Public Access Catalog)
  • Install font and setup the language setting.
  • Install Avast antivirus
  • Install web browser(Google Chrome).
  • Change the CD-ROM driver to DVD-ROM driver on CPU.
  • Set ‘OFF’ for windows update.
Our 'sifu' who willingly and responsible to teach us (me, K.Najah & K.Shikin) is En Safwan Fikri Bin Zulkifli..=). He is one of the Computer Technician at PTM who had a lots of experiences and can I said like an expert about computer hardware and also troubleshooting.=D

Our 'sifu'(En. Safwan) with K.Najah & K.shikin make a discussion..hihi=)

Thursday-10 June 2010

  • Have a discussion wi th Puan Shahiza about the progress of E-Quran Website.Show what I had already done for Qiraat recitation part.
  • Assist En. Safwan in multimedia room (lab) to check the Microsoft Office Publisher 2007 on each computers are already have or not.This is a preparation for Microosft Publisher Course that will be held on next week.
This is the placement of sound and PA system.En Safwan shows to me every part of the system.

Friday -11 June 2010

  • Edit the audio link for pages that does not have the correct audio files, on every surah.
  • Submit files for Qiraat files to Puan Shahiza.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Ninth Week


I'm still continue in completing the Qiraat part of E-Quran Website. This week my tasks more to completing what should I finished before.

On 31 May 2010 -Monday
  • Do the checking and testing for the functions on few surah pages (An-Nas, Al-Falaq, Al-Ikhlas). Test all the independent links and also check which part does not have their recitation audio for its surah and button image.
On 1 June 2010-Tuesday
  • Need to find out the sources for Qiraat part from the main resources, because the files that already given to me could not found because the files are become hidden files.~huuu~ So I need to collect and save all images files fand audio files in one folder called 'equran'.
On 2 June 2010-Wednesday
  • Update the functions that does not complete yet
  • Do a checklist for the materials and sources for every surah in Qiraat part and for all types of Qiraat function.
On 3 June 2010-Thursday
  • Update the checklist
  • Double-check for surah pages that already created before.
  • Make a mini-discussion about the progress of the E-Quran website.

On 4 June 2010-Friday
  • Continue create surah pages for Surah Al-Kautsar, Al-Maa'uun, and Al-Quraisy. As usual:I -need to insert independent links for each of qiraat types for every pages, Insert button and surah image and also link for audio file that belongs to its qiraat page.

Eight Week


For this week, in E-Quran Website, I'm more focus on completing the Qiraat part. Let's me brief a little bit about the Qiraat Menu. On this E-Quran Website, Qiraat is divided into two categories or sub-menus, which are the first is named as Qiraat Recitation and the second one is named as Qiraat Explanatory. The Qiraat Recitation menu is contain of 23 surah that covered for 14 types of Qiraat.Each of surah pages have some structure or design which are on the top is menu for types of Qiraat based on their specialization or grouping.These function are dependent between each of pages. For example, let's say user at 'Qalun' Qiraat page, when the user click on other types of Qiraat such as Wars Qiraat, in the same surah, it will link and go to the 'Wars' Qiraat page. That is means every pages for every surah are contain links for all types of Qiraat.

The next one is in the centre where the position of window media player file is placed that
belonging to the surah and types of Qiraat.Beside that, the position of the Qiraat name in the form of image button is located below the window media player file, followed by the name of surah in the form of image button also,and its 'ayat' of the surah also in image file.

Besides,I was so excited in this week because I also had the opportunity to attend English class. En Safwan invited me together with Kamil and Aida(student practical also who are placed at PTM, and came from UPM and UPSI). We started class around at 10am and end at 12pm. All the participants form ILIM's staffs accept me, Kamil and Aida. Mostly, we have learned and gave opportunity to dare to come forward to speak in front of people. Beside that, we also have learned a little bit about writing. We are asked to write regarding our daily routine jobs and tasks. What we do every day. Various actions and behaviors that can be seen during the class. It's a different class and environment that I had ever experienced, compared to English class attended by student or teenagers.So, I like and enjoy for the class!=D

This week is only 4 day work, because on this Friday, 28 May 2010 is public holiday which is Wesak's!!(I never take holiday or MC during practical)hehe. Continue with what I'm done this week.=). On last day for this week, I accompanied by Aida went to lab(multimedia room) to show the problem to outsider technician, for a projector in the lab. After that, I have followed En Safwan and assist him to do the technical problem based on what has been reported by ILIM's staffs. We have do the checking and troubleshoot the problem. At the moment, En Safwan was received two reports problem, one is about internet connection and another one is hardware /component of PC. I can said that, for today I'm become a technician!hihi

Outsider technician are repairing the projector in lab

This problem was reported by Ustaz Faiz at Islamic Family Development Center. We need to change the power supply for this computer.

En Safwan shows how the position for the power supply should be placed.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Seventh Week


At ILIM, they have practicing and applying 5s for their organization. Each of centre or unit have their own zone. One of the zones is named as ‘Pintar Zone’ which is under Information Technology Centre. Most of committee members of Pintar Zone are among from Information Technology Centre’s Staffs which are Puan Faraliza, Puan Shahiza, Puan Faradila,Cik Nurulashikin, Puan Zatun Najah, and Encik Safwan Fikri. For this week, Kamil (practical student from UITM and new placed at PTM for this week) and I gave our help to Puan Faraliza and Puan Shahiza for 5S audit. We were together, rearrange for the equipment arrangement in the three lecture room and do the labellings and tagging for lamp switch in every rooms. This is a preparation also for 5s audit assessment that will be on next week. The result for The Best Zone, The Best and Beautiful Centre/unit and The Best Corner of zone will be know and announce for few weeks more, after the audit.

Besides, on this Thursday 20 May 2010, a course which is 'The Microsoft Power Point Course' will be held for one day course only. So as preparation for this course, as usual I assist En Safwan in lab(multimedia room) to check and make sure all the tools and materials that will be used for the course already done. My job are need to check for all computers on the lab, whether on each of computers have Microsoft Office Power Point 2003 or not and I need to install the Microsoft Power Point 2003 for any computers that does not have the Microsoft Power Point 2003 software. Another job is I need to transfer files and documents on the computers which is located at hard disk computers (E://). These documents and files will be used for participants during the course on this Thursday, 20 May 2010.

Multimedia Room(lab)-software installation made here..=)

For my daily task which is E-Quran Website, I had a discussion with Puan Shahiza about the problem occurred for materials that will be use for Qiraat part. In addition, Puan Shahiza also gave me a suggestion to start from beginning by using own template that can be create in Adobe Dreamweaver.This is as one of alternative to solve the Quran flash for Quran part. When I try to do by using template, I was figured out that the same problem happen, which is still the flash file for Quran cannot function as well as wanted, when set the coding for display the flash on the page content in the middle.~huhu~ So I should think and try to find out other solution for the problem . Besides, on the Qiraat part also I need to create pages for 23 Surah and include 14 types of Qiraat recitation for each of the pages. Thus I should try and error at my best to complete this part of the E-Quran. For this week I'm still trying to get the output as well as requested.

On Friday,21 May 2010, I followed En Safwan again to help him to format hard disk (E://) for all computers.This partition is specific for users especially course participants to use for any course that held in the lab.