Sunday, May 9, 2010

Fourth Week


Focus for this week is more to finish and complete the project that I should manage and have responsibility to the project. However I was given the exposure a little bit about the network connection that PTM should handle for all centre or unit at ILIM. I was given an opportunity to learn and know by myself about the ICT Network at ILIM. On the Monday morning; 26 April 2010, around 9am I was followed En Safwan went to main server room. En Safwan show to me a few network components and connections that ILIM use for the entire organization. Beside that at PTM also, there have one dummy server that functional as local testing room for any system before ready publish to public on the main server. So, that is among of new knowledge that I got about ILIM network.

Mini database server placed in Puan Shahiza room.

Diagram of ILIM Server

Fiber Network of ILIM Diagram

Like I said before this, I had responsibility to manage E-quran System by using Adobe Macromedia Dreamweaver. Even I was given an opportunity to handle the E-Quran System for the first time by Using Adobe Macromedia Dreamweaver , Alhamdulillah I can learn by myself and explore more about Macromedia Dreamweaver to get the desired outputs and functions for the system. This knowledge also can help me in preparation for my Project 2 in next semester.

Among the task in the E-quran System that I already covered was:

  • Create a page for the list of all Surahs and add links and audio for every surahs.
  • Create own menu structure for Qiraat Menu function
  • During discussion with Puan Faraliza, about the progress of E-Quran System, She was an idea to create Spray Menu Bar for Qiraat function.
List of Surah page

Qiraat Menu structure for Surah Al-Fatihah page

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