Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Fifth week


3 May 2010-Monday
-Discuss with Puan Shahiza about the problem occur and how to solve it.
1.Remove horizontal scrollbar -depends on web browser
2.Try to make pop-up window for media player.
3.Install the latest version of Adobe Dreamweaver to get Spray Menu bar for Qiraat Menu.(now I'm using Adobe Dreamweaver MX 2004. A few function does not have in this version)

4 May 2010 -Tuesday
-Continue with the task on the previous.-Refer the solution that had already discussed with Puan Shahiza

5 May 2010-Wednesday
On this morning, visit the main server room with En Safwan.
-En Safwan gave a little bit brief regarding network connection at ILIM.
  • Server that store all the database system
  • Network diagram
  • Brazil Firewall for ILIM's website
Main Server

Brazil Firewall

6 May 2010-Thursday
-Went to lab(Multimedia Room) with En Safwan and install Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 for 34 computers as preparation for the Development of Website Course on next week, starting on 11 May 2010.
*p/s:The installation take a long time to complete. Around 4 pm, the installation for 32 computers was finished, and another two computers had a problem and En Safwan need to do something to troubleshoot the problems. So, to be continued tomorrow.=D

7 May 2010-Friday
- Continue with what I have already done for E-Quran.huhuhu

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