Friday, April 16, 2010

My Second Week At ILIM


The second week I'm still at PPUI Centre (Pusat Pengurusan Undang-undang Islam). This week not a lot works or tasks to do and all the tasks actually are similar and continuously from the last week. Sometime, have something to do and sometime nothing to do. Quite bored actually.Huhu.=)

In this week Ustaz Zamzuri, have tasks in doing 5s for his zone. Ustaz Zamzuri is responsible for his organization that need to update all the old material on the Zone Committed board, do the decoration for the board, and so on.So, my task is to help the Ustaz Zamzuri's zone organization in preparing any materials such create a new organization chart, update the 5s activity, bulletin, and renew design that related to the material for the Zone Committed. All preparation need to be finish or complete before Muhadarah that will be ongoing on 21 April 2010.

Beside that, in bustle to organize for The Stress Management and Crisis Course that will he held on 3 May until 6 May 2010 and this course is lead by Ustaz Sirajuddin, for sure,I'm also involved in managing about participants like deal with them, get their confirmation and give any information that related to the course. In addition, I'm also assist Kak Ati to handle in preparation for the next week course which is The Understanding of Islamic Family Law Course, that will be held on 19 April until 22 April 2010.

On Friday is the last day at the PPUI Centre. So all the tasks that was given for me before this need to be complete before shift to Information Technology Centre on this Monday. Alhmdulillah, everythings I was finished already including the design for ILIM's logo and DPI's logo.

The unforgettable moment for me is Kak Ummi and others staffs also arrange a disunity gathering for me and also another two practical student from USIM (Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia) who was placed at PPUI for two weeks. We enjoy with 'Bubur Kacang' that was cooked by Kak Ummi, Choclate Cake that was baked by Ustazah Ashiqin and not forget Goreng Pisang by Ustaz Zamzuri and Ustaz Sirajuddin.hihi =). Anyway, thanks you so much to all PPUI staff (Ustaz Amran, Ustaz Zamzuri, Ustaz Sirajuddin, Ustaz Sufi, Ustazah Ashiqin, Ustazah Adawiyah, Kak Ummi and Kak Ati) for everythings =D.
My new journey will begin on this Monday, 19 April 2010 at Information Technology Centre.

1 comment:

  1. Salam zai. Hebat jugk yer kerja3 yang zai lakukan :D Diharap Zai tetap tabah menghadpi segala cabaran & dugaan.
