Monday, April 12, 2010

My First Week of Industrial Training


On the 5th April 2010 is the first day I ‘m started my industrial training.A little bit nervous on that Monday morning.Fuh !! =D

My place for industry training is ILIM, which is stand for Islamic Training Malaysia Institute, or in Malay called as Institut Latihan Islam Malaysia.

I was reached at ILIM around 7.45 am. For the first time I reached there, I do not know where is the Human Resources Unit office, which I’m supposedly to see my host supervisor to report duty at the organization. Alhamdulillah,finally, I have been found the Human Resources Unit office with help from one of the staff there.

After met my host supervisor, as begin, I was placed at one of the unit or centre named as Management and Law Islam which is called PPUI (Pusat Pengurusan Undang-Undang Islam). Actually, for this first week of my industrial training is the Introduction of ILIM organization week or I can called as Induction Week for my industrial training at ILIM.=) At PPUI, I was given the exposure about the ILIM background, each units of ILIM, their daily and mainly operation and so on.Beside that, to get a clear understanding about the organization, Kak Ummi who is one of staff at PPUI unit asked me to go through the ILIM website to get more and details information regarding ILIM.

Let's me introduce and give briefly description about ILIM organization.

Islamic Training Institute (ILIM) is responsible for providing courses, seminars and training for Islamic Affairs Service Officers from agencies throughout the country to Islam and to the officers and employees of various Government Departments who are interested. In line with current demands and requirements, ILIM will establish two new branches that the construction process, namely:

  1. ILIM North Branch in Kuala Kangsar, Perak.
  2. ILIM Small flying Hill East Branch, Besut Terengganu.

In line with the organizational structure and increase staffing new ILIM Training Division has eight central units responsible for implementing a training program that :

  1. Centre (PB)
  2. School of Da'wah (PPSD)
  3. Management and Law Islam (PPUI)
  4. Al-Quran Center and Core Knowledge (PQIT)
  5. Centre for Economics and Finance (PEKI)
  6. Islamic Family Development Center (PKKI)
  7. Information Technology (PTM)
  8. Training & Development Unit Publications (UPLP)
While the management Services Division with the following units to enhance the administration and management ILIM :
  1. Administration Unit
  2. Library
  3. Human Resources Unit
  4. Finance Unit
  5. Domestic Unit
  6. Public Relations Unit
Their Objectives is to produce officers and personnel management of Islamic affairs and public servants are cautious, competent and determined to face challenges; their Mission is aims to develop competencies and expertise based on Islamic principles and the last one but not least is their Vision which is want to be a Leader in Training World-class Muslims.

For this week and second week I'm still placed at PPUI centre, but for the third week I will placed at PTM (Pusat Teknologi Maklumat) which known as Information Technology Centre permanently until week twelve of my industrial training.

Actually , I wonder also, why my host supervisor do not placed me straight away at the PTM. But , maybe the procedure is like that. So I just followed it.

For this first week, I just help Kak Ummi, Kak Ati, Ustazah Ashikin, Ustazah Adawiyah, Ustaz Zamzuri and Ustaz Sirajuddin to do the office work such as dealing with course participants, attend the Financial Management Course and the additional task that was given to me is designing for ILIM logo and also DPI (Diploma Pengurusan Islam) logo.

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