Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Sixth Week at PTM


This week PTM Centre responsible to handle their course which is A Web Development Course. The course was started on 11 May 2010 until 13 May 2010 located at Multimedia room at Academic Block A. The course was attended by 24 participants from the Department of Islamic
Development Malaysia, Department of Islamic Affairs, Religious Affairs and other government staff.

I was given opportunity to attend and help Puan Faraliza and Puan Shahiza to teach participants during the course. Alhamdulillah, I was given credence to handle and guide participants along the three days course. Wow, I had an experience as Adobe Dreamweaver CS3's tutor for three days.hehe=D

Among of the topics and tutorials was covered in the course were starting from the concept of building web pages, formatting text and adding images. Besides, teach participants how to create tables,use spray menu bar, add links, use template as well as the publication's website.I'm also was learned many things and new things about the functions in Macromedia Dreamweaver through the Web Development course. Many kind of participants's manners that I faced during teaching and guiding them to do tutorial and exercises. This experiences teach me to be a patient person in facing with various kind of peoples.

The course end on Thursday,13 May 2010 at 11 am, and the closing ceremony and certificate presentation for the course was completed by Tuan Hj Paimuzi bin Yahya, Director of Islamic Institute of Training (ILIM).

Fifth week


3 May 2010-Monday
-Discuss with Puan Shahiza about the problem occur and how to solve it.
1.Remove horizontal scrollbar -depends on web browser
2.Try to make pop-up window for media player.
3.Install the latest version of Adobe Dreamweaver to get Spray Menu bar for Qiraat Menu.(now I'm using Adobe Dreamweaver MX 2004. A few function does not have in this version)

4 May 2010 -Tuesday
-Continue with the task on the previous.-Refer the solution that had already discussed with Puan Shahiza

5 May 2010-Wednesday
On this morning, visit the main server room with En Safwan.
-En Safwan gave a little bit brief regarding network connection at ILIM.
  • Server that store all the database system
  • Network diagram
  • Brazil Firewall for ILIM's website
Main Server

Brazil Firewall

6 May 2010-Thursday
-Went to lab(Multimedia Room) with En Safwan and install Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 for 34 computers as preparation for the Development of Website Course on next week, starting on 11 May 2010.
*p/s:The installation take a long time to complete. Around 4 pm, the installation for 32 computers was finished, and another two computers had a problem and En Safwan need to do something to troubleshoot the problems. So, to be continued tomorrow.=D

7 May 2010-Friday
- Continue with what I have already done for E-Quran.huhuhu

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Fourth Week


Focus for this week is more to finish and complete the project that I should manage and have responsibility to the project. However I was given the exposure a little bit about the network connection that PTM should handle for all centre or unit at ILIM. I was given an opportunity to learn and know by myself about the ICT Network at ILIM. On the Monday morning; 26 April 2010, around 9am I was followed En Safwan went to main server room. En Safwan show to me a few network components and connections that ILIM use for the entire organization. Beside that at PTM also, there have one dummy server that functional as local testing room for any system before ready publish to public on the main server. So, that is among of new knowledge that I got about ILIM network.

Mini database server placed in Puan Shahiza room.

Diagram of ILIM Server

Fiber Network of ILIM Diagram

Like I said before this, I had responsibility to manage E-quran System by using Adobe Macromedia Dreamweaver. Even I was given an opportunity to handle the E-Quran System for the first time by Using Adobe Macromedia Dreamweaver , Alhamdulillah I can learn by myself and explore more about Macromedia Dreamweaver to get the desired outputs and functions for the system. This knowledge also can help me in preparation for my Project 2 in next semester.

Among the task in the E-quran System that I already covered was:

  • Create a page for the list of all Surahs and add links and audio for every surahs.
  • Create own menu structure for Qiraat Menu function
  • During discussion with Puan Faraliza, about the progress of E-Quran System, She was an idea to create Spray Menu Bar for Qiraat function.
List of Surah page

Qiraat Menu structure for Surah Al-Fatihah page